
Google 快訊 - 屏東

即時更新 2021年7月28日
2020年受疫情影響讓賽事延宕,但賽事組織仍克服疫情完成了來自53個產地收到的235個可可豆樣品盲測,於2021年7月評選出了最佳50的生產者,屏東 ...
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住高雄市的趙姓慣竊日前到屏東科技園一間閒置廠房偷竊,翻箱倒櫃不知觸動警鈴,趙見警方趕到現場,急忙跳入廠房旁的牛稠溪想逃,警方呼叫支援 ...
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時代力量立委陳椒華28日指出,近幾年許多光電場及各種開發案不斷往淺山移動,包括屏東石頭營光電開發、苗栗山區光電開發等,都相當程度影響山坡 ...
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屏東1名50歲趙姓男子,周日潛入一家工廠偷東西,被人發現之後報警,沒想到趙男為了躲避警察,直接跳河企圖水遁逃逸,警方決定正面對決,包抄 ...
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疫情三級警戒今天開始降為二級,夏日水上活動勝地的屏東墾丁,一早就有民眾迫不及待到海邊,但碰上西南氣流浪大插紅旗,無法戲水,水上活動只有 ...
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這真的是有怪獸,屏東縣政府在車城海口港的看海美術館,放了一隻重量級的怪獸,它是一位台灣當代藝術家創作的春江獸月夜,巨大的春江,環抱著 ...
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夏日水上活動勝地的屏東墾丁,今天一早就有民眾迫不及待到海邊衝浪、戲水和潛水。記者潘欣中/攝影. 疫情三級警戒今起降為二級,餐廳及風景區都 ...
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前高雄長庚醫院心臟血管內科林醫師(林男)去年底被「加碼」禮聘到屏東的地區醫院,年薪突破5百萬,但他擁有豐厚收入卻沒有存款,還出軌AZ藥商 ...
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農委會台南農改場表示,火龍果是仙人掌科的熱帶果樹,全台種植面積約2800公頃,以南投縣及彰化縣種植最多,其次為屏東縣、台南市及嘉義縣等地區 ...
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屏東警分局日前查緝一樓一鳳個人工作室,驚見60歲阿嬤級暗娼,但因保養得宜,身材好,看起來比實際年齡年輕很多,由於分局員警喬裝嫖客上門時, ...
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How Peter Lynch made 30x in 13 years in the Stock Market | Steven Yamada in Critical Investing

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5 Ways To Create a Bulletproof Financial System To Become a Multi-Millionaire | Michael Lim in Making of a Millionaire

Stories for Neverneedme @neverneedme · Become a member Today's highlights 5 Ways To Create a Bulletproof Financial System To Become a Multi-Millionaire Creating long-term wealth should be a certainty, not a lottery. Michael Lim in Making of a Millionaire · 8 min read Why Elon Musk Fired His Long-Term Assistant Who Asked for A Raise Here is what you can learn from it. S M Mamunur Rahman in ILLUMINATION · 4 min read 3 Coins With Huge Potential In November The biggest question on everyone's mind is what cryptos do I buy to take advantage of everything going on. Frederick Irwin in Coinmonks · 8 min read The real reason Facebook is changing its name to Meta What you must know from Facebook's 2021 AR/VR conference. Leon Zhang in UX Collective · 9 min read In case you missed it The 6 Best Purchases Under $100 I've Ever Made Investments that have given me enormous health, productivity, and fitness returns Neeramitra Reddy in Publishous · 7 min read If You Spot These 7 Sign