
🌟 Collecting Badges and Activity XP

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  • Our Drawing Winner

Collecting Badges and Activity XP

Wondering what is the Badges section in your dashboard about?

Every time a new action is completed (add first website, banner or text ad, submit your first review, add first bookmarks, etc.), you receive a special badge and collect XP points.

As soon as you collect a certain amount of XP, your activity level increases, and you automatically receive bonus credits, banner and text ad impressions. For example, you may receive 500 bonus, 7500 banner impressions, 7500 text ad impressions for achieving the 5th activity level.

Your current activity level is displayed in the dashboard, profile menu and profile page. You can check available badges to collect, the current amount of XPs and how much XPs you need to collect for the next level in your dashboard after sign-in.

Your previous actions count! Visit the Badges section and have our state-of-the-art system analyze your recent activity and assign your level and badges!

🌟 Check your level

Our Drawing Winner

Congratulations to this week's winner Jpaman who received 5000 bonus credits + 5000 banner impressions + 5000 text ad impressions.

For every 1000 credits you purchase, m you receive one ticket for the drawing! The Weekly Drawing Prize is 5000 credits + 5000 banner impressions + 5000 text ad impressions (a value of $33.95) every week.

The Monthly Drawing Prize is 6 months of Premium membership (a value of $41.95) or 3 months Ultimate membership (a value of $54.95) for Ultimate members.
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You have 54.00 credits on your account balance.
Log in today and surf — www.EasyHits4U.com

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$1 Bonus two weeks in a row

View online Follow Us: In this newsletter: $1 bonus two weeks in a row Easy Rotator Our Drawing Winner $1 Bonus two weeks in a row Collect only 9 aquamarines on the bonus pages this week and receive a guaranteed Weekly Bonus: $1 bonus . Every week has its own unique bonus and items to collect during surfing. Starts on Sunday. Get your bonus ...

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